About Our Company


New trend in e-commerce...

Welcome to Bonubd.com Ltd. It’s a customer’s friendly largest e-commerce/online store and multipurpose trading house in Bangladesh.

We always ready to offer our customers a variety of the latest product / services.


Our first task is to establish our own position and transparency in the online e-commerce market of Bangladesh by achieving customer satisfaction with domestic and foreign high quality products and services.

 Also we want to introduce Bangladeshi product in the global market.

Our goal is to employment of people’s, earn remittances and support small entrepreneurs.


The mission of Bonubd.com Ltd. is simple, connect with the peoples and provide them internationally standard quality products to care their health and beauty, enhance the inner and outer beauty of men and women, contemporary lifestyle with reasonable price and satisfactory services.

We wish to expand our business/services worldwide.

Who are we?

We’ve come a long way, so we know exactly which direction to take when supplying you with high quality yet budget-friendly international standard products. We offer all of this while providing excellent customer service and friendly support.

We always keep an eye on the latest trends in world’s best brands products and put our customer's first. That’s why we have satisfied customers all over the country, and we are thrilled to be a part of the HEALTH-BEAUTY CARE & LIFESTYLE industry.

The interests of our customers are always top priority for us, so we hope you will enjoy our products and services as much as we enjoy collect them available to you.

Wherever you are, the product will reach you at the fastest speed, In sha Allah.

Your satisfaction is our joys.


Sister Concern:

Bonu Biz & Beyond

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